[For the English translation, see the text in grey below]
Jag blev inspirerad av Dan som kommenterade inlägget om
Robertson Dean och började kolla runt på nya svenska ljudböcker som jag bör
lägga till min läslista. Men kunde bara inte motstå frestelsen att kolla in
några nya engelska ljudboksläpp också! Här kommer en lista på några titlar från
vecka 44s skörd av nya böcker:
Dan's comment on my Robertson Dean post inspired me to begin looking around for new Swedish audio books that I should add to my reading list. However, I just couldn't resist the temptation to check out some new English audiobook releases as well! Here's a list of some titles from the week 44's crop of new audiobooks:
Svenska Författare [Swedish Authors]
Kärlek av
Malin Johansson, uppläst av Helena Nygren: chick-lit,
om en 25-årig tjej som är allmänt förvirrad och som börjar ha sex med grannen i
lägenheten brevid.
Kärlek (Love) by Malin Johansson, read by Helena Nygren: chick-lit, about a generally confused 25 year-old, who commences a sexual relationship with her next door neighbor.
Vägen till Umbria
av Jan-Erik Ullström, uppläst av Alexandra Drotz Ruhn: en bok där hela berättelsen är en gåta… låter spännande, vill ha!
Vägen till Umbria (The road to Umbria) by Jan- Erik Ullström , read by Alexandra Drotz Ruhn: a book where the whole story is a riddle... sounds exciting, I want!
Vanessa- flickan iglaskupan av Carolina Gynning, uppläst av Sanna Sundqvist: en fristående uppföljare till Laura-
flickan från havet. Vanessa borde ha dött
i tsunamin i Thailand, men nu är hon tillbaka och ska hämnas på tvillingsystern
som stal hennes identitet.
Vanessa- flickan i glaskupan (Vanessa- the girl in the bell jar) of Carolina Gynning, read by Sanna Sundqvist: a stand-alone sequel to Laura, the girl from the sea. Vanessa should have died in the tsunami in Thailand, but now she's back and take revenge on the twin sister who stole her identity.
Engelska Ljudböcker [English Audiobooks]: Young Adult

Anna Dressed in Blood & Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake: paranormal, about a guy who is ghost hunter and one day he falls in love in a ghost named Anna.
av Maureen McGowan: postapokalyptisk
roman om en tjej som måste skydda sin bror från statens onda grepp.
Deviants by Maureen McGowan: post-apocalyptic novel about a girl who must protect her brother from the state's evil grip.
Deviants by Maureen McGowan: post-apocalyptic novel about a girl who must protect her brother from the state's evil grip.
Ruins av
Orson Scott Card: bok nummer två i serien
Pathfinders, en dystopi om en kille som kan se folks förflutna… något för mig!
Ruins by Orson Scott Card: book number two in the series Pathfinders, a dystopia about a guy who can see peoples' pasts... something for me!
Ruins by Orson Scott Card: book number two in the series Pathfinders, a dystopia about a guy who can see peoples' pasts... something for me!

Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier: the second book in the popular Edelstein Trilogy, about a girl who can travel through time... yay! Good to know that Ruby Red is already available as an audiobook!
Sucks to be Me
& Still Sucks to be Me av
Kimberly Pauley: en paranormal komedi om
en tonårig tjej som måste bestämma sig om hon vill bli vampyr som resten av
familjen, hon tränar sina vampyr skills samtidigt som hon försöker leva ett
vanligt tonårsliv.
Sucks to be Me & Still Sucks to be Me by Kimberly Pauley: a paranormal comedy about a teenage girl who has to decide if she wants to become a vampire like the rest of the family, she is practicing her vampire skills while trying to live a normal teenage life.
Sucks to be Me & Still Sucks to be Me by Kimberly Pauley: a paranormal comedy about a teenage girl who has to decide if she wants to become a vampire like the rest of the family, she is practicing her vampire skills while trying to live a normal teenage life.
Engelska Ljudböcker [English Audiobooks]: Fiction

Astray by Emma Donoghue: a collection of historical short stories about different people in the post-colonial United States... sounds very interesting.
The Confidant
av Hélène Grémillon: en roman som jag
tror liknar Kate Mortons The Distant Hours. Handlar om gamla brev från andra
världskriget och en kvinna som försöker veta mer om sin döda mor… vill
verkligen läsa det här ska försöka hitta boken på franska som är originalspråket.
The confidant of Hélène Grémillon: a novel that sounds similar to Kate Morton's The Distant Hours. It's about old letters from World War II and a woman trying to learn more about her dead mother... really want to read this will try to find the book in French which is the original language.
The confidant of Hélène Grémillon: a novel that sounds similar to Kate Morton's The Distant Hours. It's about old letters from World War II and a woman trying to learn more about her dead mother... really want to read this will try to find the book in French which is the original language.

The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler: a charming novel about a travel writer who hates his job and likes order. One day he meets the bohemian dog trainer Muriel... I read this book many years ago, it was a fun read, it's cool that it is now available as an audiobook.
av Joana Trollope: en roman om
svärföräldrar som får förlika sig med faktumet att den nya svärdottern ändrar
på deras familjedynamik… också en bok som jag skulle vilja lyssna på.
Daughters-in-Law by Joana Trollope: a novel about in-laws who have to come to terms with the fact that the new daughter-in-law is changing their family dynamics ... also a book that I would want to listen to.
Daughters-in-Law by Joana Trollope: a novel about in-laws who have to come to terms with the fact that the new daughter-in-law is changing their family dynamics ... also a book that I would want to listen to.
Eat the Document by Dana Spiotta: a novel about an underground movement in the 70s and the apparent consequences of it in the 90s... seems interesting but maybe a bit too serious and dark?
Vägen till Umbria är jag väldigt nyfiken på, alltid kul med en svensk fantasy :)
ReplyDeleteSv: Ja, den låter väldigt bra, omslaget är ju dessutom superfint, vill nästan köpa den bara för det ;)